On January 3, 2023, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Office of Licensure and Certification (OLC) launched Phase I of a new online application portal.[1] The new VDH OLC Portal is available on OLC’s website at https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/licensure-and-certification/. The full roll out of the licensing application portal will take place in phases. Phase I covers four VDH licensing programs for hospitals, nursing homes, home care organizations (HCOs), and hospices and hospice facilities. The OLC Portal currently offers selective information on facilities which have filed applications since January 3rd, including location, ownership information, license status, and contact information. It also appears designed to provide a summary of information about the applicant’s accreditation status and survey history.
Most licenses renew effective January 1 of each year. The OLC Portal currently affects applicants seeking to apply for a new license, apply for an exemption (hospices and HCOs), and make midyear changes to their licenses. The OLC instructs persons seeking to apply or make payments to do so online through the VDH OLC Portal unless OLC staff advise otherwise. The Portal will show the information filed by applicants and allow others to view application information more quickly than before.
While Phase I is a step towards its goal of reducing, if not eliminating, paper applications, OLC notes the full transition to all digital applications will happen over time. Applications for certificates and registration of Certificates of Public Need (COPN), Managed Care Health Insurance Plans (MCHIP), and Private Review Agents (PRA) are not transitioning to digital applications and payment as part of the Phase I rollout. COPN, MCHIP, and PRA applicants should continue to file paper or digital applications via email and pay application fees by mail or delivery service via check or money order. OLC intends to include COPN, MCHIP, and PRA digital applications through the Portal as part of Phase II.
First time users of the Portal, even ones with an existing license, will need to be aware of extra steps creating initial delays when accessing the Portal. New users will need to click on “Request Access” after clicking “Login” and fill out the required information to submit an access request. A supervisor from the applicant’s licensing program will review the applicant’s account for approval. Once approved, the applicant will receive an email directing the applicant’s representative how to login for the first time.
The transition to an all-digital format using the Portal will streamline the application process for hospitals, nursing homes, HCOs, hospices and hospice facilities. It may reduce application delays and improve transparency. Applicants should carefully review what they file before it is posted.
If you or your organization have questions about the new application portal, please contact Peter Mellette or Harrison Gibbs at Goodman Allen Donnelly.
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