Crux of the Matter Blog

Advancing America’s Interests Act

To prevent importation of products that infringe US companies’ patent, trademarks, and other intellectual property, a patent owner may bring…

4 years ago

Attorneys Must Self-Report Errors to Current Clients

Lawyers have a duty to disclose a material error to current, but not former, clients. by C. Thea Pitzen A…

5 years ago

Facilitating Innovation to Fight Coronavirus Act

Pharmaceutical and medical research is vital for development of coronavirus treatments and vaccines. Most experts believe these to be necessary…

5 years ago

Virginia Emergency Workplace Safety Regulations Address COVID-19 Risk

by Wythe Michael Virginia has become the first state to adopt worker safety regulations that specifically address the risks posed…

5 years ago

Intellectual Property in Employment Agreements

One of your employees has developed a new method that substantially improves the efficiency of a process your company uses…

5 years ago

How Can Health Care Providers Prepare for a Lawsuit?

So you have been served with a lawsuit. You knew medical malpractice lawsuits were possible. You have heard tales about…

5 years ago

Developing a New Product? Don’t Skip the Patent Clearance Search

There’s nothing worse than spending a great deal of time and money to develop a new product only to have…

5 years ago

Paycheck Protection Program Guidance for Small Business: Third Update

by G. Wythe Michael In response to criticisms of the original Paycheck Protection Program and interpretations of the program released…

5 years ago

Interviews with Patent Examiners

Oral communication is often more effective than written communication. What is an Interview with a Patent Examiner? A patent examiner…

5 years ago

A Day for Celebrating Military Spouses

by Thea Pitzen Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Many here in Virginia likely have some familiarity with this day (or have…

5 years ago